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Server stats: Files: 20372 | Disk Used: 66627.47 Gb | Users: 7016
Welcome to UploadEver??

Upload files for free: it's fast, easy and secure

Cloud storage and file sharing service with no registration required.

Use UploadEver to host and store your files and/or to share them by link/mail in a few clicks.

All file types are accepted (files, images, video, audio, PDF documents, etc.) and you can drag and drop them directly to our interface or by clicking on the 'Upload files' button.

By using UploadEver for free to upload your photos or videos, the number and speed of downloads are illimited and almost all of our features are free.

Try and opt for our file hosting and cloud storage solution! ??

It's free!

Our file storage and sharing service is essentially free and is suitable for most purposes.

If you want to all features and larger limits, you can create a UploadEver account.

Upgrade my account

No registration required

Use UploadEver now without prior registration to store and share your photos, videos or any other type of file anonymously.

You can choose to upgrade your guest account to store your files for life in our secure cloud.

Upgrade my account

File preview and streaming

Share your folders as well as your files with a simple link, password protect access to your folders and files or simply share them via email.

Once your multimedia files are uploaded, your users can preview and stream video, image and audio files and other documents like PDF files.

Powerful file manager

Get a complete and intuitive file browser.

Create and organize folders, upload your files, manage access to your folders and files, choose to share your folders and files or keep them private and inaccessible for other Internet users.

Increase productivity by using the many available keyboard shortcuts when using our file manager.

Secure Cloud Infrastructure

By using UploadEver to host or upload your files, you benefit from a secure cloud infrastructure hosted on the European continent.

In order to ensure integrity and confidentiality of the data being transferred between UploadEver and its servers, all communications follow the SSL/TLS protocol.

Data privacy

We do not resell or distribute the email addresses or personal data of our users to third-party entities.

Your personal data is encrypted in transit using SSL/TLS (https) as well as at rest using the advanced 256-bit encryption standard. Each encryption key is encrypted with a regularly rotating set of master keys.

Have a question?

Why UploadEver?

UploadEver offers an alternative to the giants of storage and file sharing in the cloud with the mantra of security and data confidentiality. Opt for a simple, efficient, essentially free and secure service.

Is UploadEver free?

UploadEver is essentially free (and will always be free!). You can use our service to store and share files.

You can create an account if you want to store your files without time limitations and use advanced features. Compare our user plans by following this link: Compare our user plans.

How do I use UploadEver to send my files?

From the home or 'upload files' page, click the 'add files' button or drag and drop your files into the dotted area.

Click 'confirm upload' to start the upload.

All done! The link to access the folder containing your files is displayed. You can easily copy it or go directly to the file manager to view the uploaded files.

From the file manager, simply click on the 'upload' button in the action bar and select the files to upload. A dialog box will open at the bottom right of your screen and display the files being uploaded. Once the upload is finished, the files are displayed in your file manager.

Tip: When files are being uploaded, you can continue navigating between the file manager, favorites and trash without interrupting the current download.

How long will my files be available?

As an anonymous user, a folder or file remains available for download as long as it is downloaded regularly and by several sources.

If no download is detected within 7 days, the folder or file is permanently deleted and is technically unrecoverable.

With an UploadEver user account, files do not expire. You can choose to schedule expiration or simply delete a folder or file permanently.

Check out our FAQs :

Check the FAQ